In Praise of Many Things
The jacket is a bright pink, zipup, non-hoodie sweatshirt that I never wear in public because it is from Old Navy, store of the Contrafashionistas. I've paired it with one of Bro's old black t-shirts and black running pants that would fit one of Hannibal's elephants. Not a good look for me.
BUT I digress.
Hats. In Praise of Hats.
I love hats, especially flatcaps. Having been unable to find a flatcap large enough to fit me or feminine enough to please my ma, I finally stumbled on a bottlegreen satin number in a thrift shop. Too excellent.
In Praise of Teamakers.
If the world was any more unfair, bedside tea makers would only exist in English nursing homes. Luckily they don't. Three cheers.
In Praise of Libraries.
I love libraries but they intimidate me. They're too quiet. I have a pair of jeans that I can't wear in libraries because the lower legs brush together noisily. I have a pair of shoes that sound like machine gun fire even on carpet. If I wear one of these articles of clothing into the library, I get weird looks. And then came the day I was stupid enough to wear both...
In Praise of Bro's CDs
Cos everybody knows (she's a femme fatale)
The things she does to please (she's a femme fatale)
She's just a little tease (she's a femme fatale)
See the way she walks
Hear the way she talks...
(nuff said)
In Praise of Large Clash Photo Books
I just got Before and After by Pennie Smith in the mail and it is HILARIOUS beyond all reason. Joe, Paul, and Mick all wrote comments which range from the fairly normal (We only took this one for the haircut) to the utterly bizarre ("Not that one, Tops." "Not that one either, Tops." "Tops: This is the one. Joe: er..." "One of the things Sid actually did invent (like the pogo): bog-paper ties." "Oy...oy...") and so forth. Most of the bizarre ones come from Joe. All the not-that-one-Tops-ing refers to Topper's inadvisable choice in hats. Oy oy refers to Paul's girlfriend.
And so on.
Okay, my Cash/Elvis/trainwreck look and I are off to pester Brainsponge and co.