Monday, October 03, 2005

Pop Art

I often jog down to the local library to feed my ever-growing hunger for entertaining reading material. On my latest trip I checked out a wonderful volume entitled _I'll Be Your Mirror: Interviews with Andy Warhol_ or words to that effect. "I'll Be Your Mirror" is a Velvet Underground song. It is very entertaining.
"...and we said Let us interview you as a spokesman for Pop art, and he said No, let me interview you. We said No, let us interview you. And he said Fine, if I can answer with Yes or No.
"Question: What is Pop art?
Answer: Yes.
Question: Good way to do an interview, isn't it?
Answer: Yes."
(Not quite exact quotes, I don't have the book handy and I don't feel like getting up to fetch it.)
Later on in the interview we find that, for Andy, Coca Cola (NOTE THE C's) symbolizes "pop."
It is fantastique.
Your non-French-speaking friend,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was just begging for comments. I love it when it's like that, don't you?
Ou, peut etre, tu ne l'aime pas. mais, cest la vie, non?
Il y a un accident tres mal en le rue de l'espere aujourd'hui. Un fille est mort. Pas de gens la a connu. Mais un
faucon a expulse de la corps, et un enfant de les volcans, un Cadejo, a sauter eloingne de la paysage.
Sois attentif!
Ils cherchent un autre personne. Quelqu'un avec le Leo dans leur ame.

PS. If you want a translation, I will put it as a comment on your 1st post.

8:01 PM  
Blogger RACL said...

I'm afraid I only understood part of that, because I only took a year of French and that was two years ago. So a translation would be good, thanks.

11:50 AM  

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