Monday, September 19, 2005

Regrets, I've had a few...

...But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And so it proves without exemption
I've planned each charted course
Each careful step along the highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way
For those of you expecting a Frank Sinatra homage (though why you would expect that, I can't imagine) sign off now. This has nothing to do with Sinatra whatsoever GREAT WORD , THAT.
And today the post actually has something to do with the title. Amazing.
Sadly for me and even more sadly for you, there are people out there deprived of their daily dose of Jasper insanity given through the pages of Lunch The Musical. This post is for them, since much of the material here will be covered in today's comic. So here goes.
Last night I had the opportunity to watch Alex Cox's cinematic masterpiece, Sid and Nancy. I was catapulted into punk heaven from the word go.
A bit of background on the film:
A few days ago in Art, I showed my truly awesome art teacher a few pencil sketches I had done of noted Punk/Post Punk figures: Chrissie Hynde, Joey Ramone, Debbie Harry, Sid Vicious, Cyndi Lauper, Johnny Rotten, Joe Strummer, and Paul Simonon. She looked down at the sheet and after a brief pause yelled "SID!!!" "Uh, yes indeed," I said, hoping to have found a kindred Sid worshipper. "Did you see the movie?" she asked, "it was pretty depressing." I hadn't seen the film but had spent many long, bored hours reading reviews of it:, Time Out, and The Video Hound's Golden Movie Retriever. (Yes, we natives of Beefburger-Skyscraper-and-Yellowcabland are far too fond of our dogs.) I had put it on the top of my Jasper's Fairly Sordid List of Punk Movies but I thought there was no way Herself would let me see it. Luckily I thought wrong.
It is indeed a very depressing movie, from the opening moment when a catatonic Sid Vicious is found sitting on a bloodsoaked matress. But really it is a brilliant film, with so much attention to detail that
a) When Sid is ushered out of the Chelsea Hotel, surrounded by cops and reporters, there is a moment when the frame is a perfect replica of one of the newspaper photos about the incident
b) On the album Sid Sings, he begins the song "My Way" by saying "You wanna hear My Way all told?" In the movie he begins the song this exact way
c) They got his actual chainlink necklace for the actor Gary Oldman to wear
d) Malcolm McLaren is picture perfect: "But Sidney, as a Sex Pistol all your earthly needs are met! You have food, a place to stay, designer clothing. Why could you possibly need money?"
e) and there is Clash graffiti in one of the clubs.
Despite all the depressing stuff, there are some very sweet scenes that would cause my romance-loving friend Peaches to squeal with glee, and the acting is absolutely superb.
AAAAGH it's brilliant.
I was left with a pretty atrocious North London accent and a tendency to walk into chairs afterwards. I almost knocked over a lamp because I rammed into the table carrying the laundry basket. This shows how profoundly moved I was. Really.
P.S. Where could I get a pizza?


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